Don’t let the fun run out!
A message from the Executive Director
Dear Friends of Chapel Rock,
The time for summer camp will be here before we know it. There is a greater need for financial support to the Chapel Rock Campership Fund than there has been in years past. It is Diocesan policy that no child gets turned away from attending camp due to a lack of funds. The ability to provide support to our campers is impossible without the kind support from congregations and individual members like you.
Whether a camper is here for the first time or the 13th summer straight, they all have an opportunity to have an experience like none before. Chapel Rock’s summer campers have a chance for acceptance, and to become a part of a unique Christian community. They have an opportunity to explore their faith and hopefully even embrace the love of Jesus Christ and their fellow cabin mates. There is no better time than now to be part of helping children have this potentially life changing experience. Every year, when we read camper evaluations, camper after camper says, "That was the best week of my summer!"
The goal of the Chapel Rock Campership Fund is to make sure that no child is turned away because of financial means. Chapel Rock offers an early bird discount for summer camp registrants prior to March 31st. We also work to keep costs low and offer an affordable rate! Your gift, of any amount, will be greatly appreciated and will help make a transformative difference in the life of a child. It is anticipated that this summer will yet again be a record year for tuition assistance and we need to be prepared.
Please help us by making a contribution to the Chapel Rock Campership Fund, by clicking DONATE below.
I am hopeful that all who love Chapel Rock and the ministry that we do through our camps, will support this effort. The youth who will come here this summer need you. I look forward to your generous response.
Thank you and God Bless,
Kelly Wood
Executive Director