Servant Leadership Programs
A call to listen to God, to do justice from hearts of mercy and compassion, marked by the humility of Christ.
A leadership experience doing meaningful work, caring for God’s beautiful creation, and meeting the needs of others.
W.I.L.D.(Wilderness Introduction to Leadership Development) and Lead Out are perfect for high schoolers looking for more.
Just completed 9th - 12th graders will have the summer of a lifetime participating in a week of one of our Servant Leadership Programs, SLP for short.
W.I.L.D. Campers experience a week of activities in the outdoors, including an overnight backpacking adventure. W.I.L.D. focuses on how Campers can have a meaningful impact on our beautiful Earth and all of life, practicing Creation Care and Leave No Trace.
Lead Out is a Summer Camp, Mission Trip hybrid. Working with local organizations like, Prescott Community Cupboard Food Bank, Campers will participate in at least two off camp service days, meeting the needs of others. Lead Out Campers are encouraged to practice characteristics of a Servant Leader when participating in or leading on camp activities.
BOTH W.I.L.D. and Lead Out enjoy activities like kayaking, campfire, the challenge course, carnival and more!
These programs are perfect for Campers who wish to someday come back as counselors.
W.I.L.D: June 8th - 14th and June 22nd - 28th
Lead Out: June 15th - 21st
Serving, Leading and Community Building
Per Camper $545
Are you ready for the Best Summer Ever?